Wednesday, August 19, 2015

SENS RB 2015: Therapeutic Approaches Track

I have been following the work of Dr. Anthony Atala since I was a nursing student in the late 90's. Today, he is presenting at the SENS Rejuvenation Biotechnology conference, with a talk titled Regenerative Medicine: Current Concepts and Changing Trends.

Dr. Atala serves as the Director at Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine, in addition to Chairing the Department of Urology at Wake Forest University.
Dr. Anthony Atala

Regarding his novel research and it successes, Dr. Atala discusses growing a urethra in a laboratory setting and its successful transplant into human subject. Utilizing collagen scaffolding (prior to 3D printing currently used) seeded with cells, the cells then vascularized and formed around the scaffold. Following this, his team then took it a step farther, growing and implanting a bladder using the same technique. 
Luke M., bladder transplant recipient
Then things get really interesting... turns out the DOD has provided funding for development of another organ, one that soldiers may lose in war... the penis. I must say, after learning about the engineered vagina that was successfully developed and implanted, it only makes sense this would come next.

Seriously looking forward to what Wake Forest and Dr. Atala have in store for us next!

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